The "Tiv" is on more than my stereo

Anyone else find that their tabletop radio gets more on-time than their stereo tuner? My (mono) Model One has been my go-to sounder for years. Simplicity has its virtues.
you can enjoy music to the same extent listening to a radio as listening to a stereo. whilethe "sound" may not be the same, the communication quality of the music is present regradless of the source--radio or stereo.
I like the simple on/off switch on my Tivoli Model One, just one energy efficient box - but let's get real, my main stereo & tuner is so much better sounding, but who wants to power-on the electricity eater for sipping coffee with NPR?
I got a little Sony "all in one" for my wife. I put a nice pair of Athena speakers on it for a bit better sound. The wife rocks the house with it, it's perfect for background, radio or just spinning some CDs. You don't always need the big system running.

Thanx, Russ