Shipping Overseas

What is the deal with shipping overseas? If the buyer wants to pay in seperate PayPal payments is that OK? Why?
Also what the deal with the invoice / amount? And NOT mentioning HIFI? Any help is greatly appreciated. this is all a first.

You are better off being paid with a bank wire transfer, especially if your buyer is from overseas.
(I have done it that way, and it worked out fine.)

Lots of bad things can happen if you allow a buyer to pay via paypal. (I don't like accepting paypal payments, but especially so for overseas transactions.) And to be honest, I also don't like to buy from overseas sellers, (except for LPs, cables, or other things that are difficult to break in transit.)

(As an Example: Suppose you ship your piece of equipment overseas, and it is "allegely" damaged in transit. The buyer will claim it is was damaged in transit, and you are now on the hook for the unit. The seller gets their money back, and you have to pay to have the unit shipped back to you. (And you have to trust that the buyer will ship it back, now that they have their money back!) And the cost of shipping, both ways is now yours to bear. (Fun times, huh?!)

Good Luck!

PS Yes, I know I am being overly cautious and paranoid, (but when everyone is out to get you, and/or your money, is it really paranoia?) ;-)
Paypal is ok if you use some guidelines. I have a completely separate account at another bank and wait until I've withdrawn the money before I ship.

The invoice thing is about paying duties.

I've had several overseas deals & they all worked out fine.
I second Driver's comments, make sure you have a seperate bank account only for Paypal.
