Well, the replies sure are certainly entertaining and vary almost a-z in extremes. However from my experience the truth-- and usually the best values lie in the middle.
Most manufacturers I know and talk to --numbering in the dozens, are fully focussed on creating products that get better performance into more affordable packages given the the way the market has shifted.
There is no better time to get tremendous value in any number of product categories. And yes, there are fantastic CD replay systems for $3k and under. I wont name any lest I be termed a shill but they are plentiful...
Yes, most manufacturers make uber products but often (not always) these are design progressions to explore what's possible rather than drooling, inflated pocket pullers of the wealthy. If any manufacturer makes their super product and it fails or sucks, the market will fall on it like a brick--typically.
Some cable company prices get inflated because manufacturers are trying to balance the pricing between their US and overseas markets --so customers in Asia don't try to buy for less from US dealers. They do this by artificially inflating US retail and giving larger discounts to their foreign distributors to cover VAT, ship etc--sometimes up to 80%-- so they can match the set US retail. These same companies then use the extra margin in the US to spiff dealers and reward better sales with deeper discounts. They can also make it hard for normal margin cable lines to compete on price--which is something that has occurred for years but is now showing its wig--imo.
There are a dwindling number of companies that still do this and they for the most part do not need to be named because they stick out like a sore thumb.... This sales paradigm will definitely fail in time I believe because the markets simply will not support that anymore. Performance and value--thankfully are back in a big way.
You want to talk about inflation and stupid pricing, lets go back to the mid nineties and early 2000's when dealers could name their price, guide purchasers to the Pink Elephant amp and laugh on their way to the bank. Those days are OVER and most of those slippery dealers are g-o-n-e. This business is ALL the better for it's demise. Now, many customers walk into a dealer and haggle over what free gifts and discounts they deserve for buying a $30 cartridge-- I am exaggerating of course but that is closer to the truth.
The smart manufacturers recognize the trends, respond with better products at lower prices and strive to offer top service and value at low prices. That is the only way to make it and from everywhere I look, I see it happening, Sometimes when you spend too much time on the Gon, you miss what is happening at the dealers. I think there are good trends emerging that should please everyone.
There is a big comb filter going through our business right now and to make it through that, companies are starting to make more value oriented and less stratospherically priced products.
Grant--stranded in cold and windy Moscow