>>“Blindjim, how many outlets are you planning to replace?”<<
Good question.
With the current geography of the dedicated ckts, and equipment positioning, the plan is to split one Ded ckt. Into two receptacles vs the now ‘one’ duplex. On one side I’m thinking of going with something like a Porter, on the other side one of the oyaides.
The Porter will feed the HT proc and Butler 5ch amp I use as a 3 ch amp. The ‘which ever’ oyaide, will feed my Thor preamp… singularly… I suspect. Though that’s not cast in stone. The Butler amp could be fed from another spot.
Another high end outlet soon to be added, via a second Ded ckt. Will feed the Dodd monos… which are fed by an Elrod Sig III pc thru a RSA Haley, via a pair of Taipan Helix A’s.
The 3rd Ded ckt supplies the Stratos amp and some low end sources like cable gbox, NAS drive, and PC, The Stratos is directly fed out of the wall, and the sources get juice thru a PSA Duet via a Python VX.
This outlet can be of lesser price and influence yet still needs be a step up… and a porter was thought for this ckt.
Of course if there’s something not too pricey in between the Isoclean Fim, Oyiade, etc, and the Porter, that might be a fine fit for this ckt… as I could reroute the Butler to this outlet, and plug the Python vx into something else..
The 4th Ded ckt is across the room feeding the office eq. Printer, copier, TV, Mon, etc. I’ve no designs on exchanging that one at all.
>>“Some who are into the oyaides end up with a certain one that fits their personal likeness and others say go straight for the R1.”<<
R-1 ? What’s that one like?
>>”You may want to check out tesla,porter ports,and the new Maestro.Depends on what exactly you are trying to acomplish with each new addition as Rja pointed out for a balancing act.”<<
I agree. I looked today online at the SR site but found no duplex recp’s, only conditioners.
Maestro? Never heard of that one till now.
I suppose my aim is to gain still more palpability, presence, or ‘they are here’ than what I’m already getting without deducting from the current playlist entries. Some more blackness in the back drop should aid me there, naturally, and many of these choices seem to ascribe to that point.
I’d not wish to introduce anything which would harden any portion of the bandwidth or over emphasize leading edges or attacks.
More life OR NATURALNESS, perhaps… and a little closer to the music itself though without suspicion of listning fatigue. Also, I could stand to gain some greater depth of stage, and my preff would be to achieve a bit more SET quality without slowing things down appreciably as I do enjoy a fair amount of complicated large ensemble music. Big bands, jazz & blues.
My system IMO ALREADY gives me that Wow! Ooohh, now that’s really nice! Sort of presentation, but seldom is it that “Oh my God!” sort of thing except on some vocal recordings.
Personally I feel only an amp and/or speaker exchange can or will do that for me, but if I can climb a bit closer to it, that’ll do.
I think a combo of something more resolute and lively for the amps, and something sweeter for the preamp ought to suffice… though without adding untoward artifacts or over enhancing attacks.
This is why I’ve set to asking about what outlet sounds like or does what for a device attached to it.
Is the So & so x very smooth and extended; is the So & so Y very dynamic and quick; is the So & so Z highly resolute and exceedingly transparent? Those are the sentiments I felt I needed to make a good choice, and the thrust of this mini inquisition.