Being grateful for what we have

With audio as a hobby, do you find yourself researching, listening, buying, selling, buying more, and always looking for that next tweak, purchase or upgrade? I know I do.

I wonder why I'm not sitting back and appreciating the system I currently own. Is it easier said than done? Is upgrade-itous and hearing weaknesses rather than enjoying the strengths, just part of being an audiophile? I'm not sure.

Have I become an audiogeek when I should be serving my community, spending more time with my family, and joining with others to solve real world problems like war, greed, and injustice? It makes me think that enjoying our stereo systems depends on our priorities in life as much as it does our ears--maybe more.

Any thoughts?
I still have not figured out this equipment obsession thing.I guess it's like the guys who buy $200,000 historic restored cars and don't drive them.Some cases may be the "mine is bigger than yours" syndrome.I listen to my system,that's what I bought it for.Hey,everyone is free to do what they want with their hard earned,or otherwise obtained,money.
I have not upgraded gear in years. I honestly believe that the room and almost only your room done well will yeild the best performance bang for the buck.
I think that Mark Twain's famous popularization of an earlier saying says it best:

"Moderation in all things, including moderation!"


-- Al
I'm with Schipo, music enjoyment is my first and only priority. Room and tweaks come second, and the rig is a laggard at third place. Life is too short and important to be wasted on someone's subjective worries.
Only if I am sure something can be improved to meet my expectations.

There is something to be said for being a perfectionist....but that too should be in moderation as Almarg points out.

There's more to life than audio or any hobby or area of enjoyment for that matter. But I do think when somebody cares about something, they should strive to do it well, whatever it is.

Nothing wrong with being curious about what works, what doesn't and why. That's the basis of progress in any area.

Just take a chill pill if needed and enjoy! Life is too short to do otherwise!

What's your current system? Maybe there is a way to get across the finish line sooner rather than later?