Sterophile's not so nice review of Bryston

On a curious note they reviewed the totl Bryston amp a couple of months ago and it did not get a glowing review. Well, the next month there were no Bryston ads !!!!. Makes ya wonder. I just wonder if any of the mags can give an unbiased review and still keep the ads? Corrupt as Wall Street huh? Pay pay me and I wont tell. Mike

So who's going to start up the audiophile version of Consumer Reports, where no advertising is allowed?
Audiophile Consumer Reports? Take the subscription cost for CR and multiply that by the ratio of their subscriber base to that of Stereophile or TAS. Think it will fly?

Mitch2 hit it on the head. Want a bad reveiw? Just look at what pieces of gear from well-known manufacturer's don't ever get reveiwed by any of the big magazines. Probably a reason that they don't, since most reviewers attend the big electronics shows and smaller events around the country where they listen to gear and, by their own admission, screen what they're going to look at in more detail.

So, the Bryston amp must have peaked somebody's interest, and then it didn't pan out under closer scrutiny. Interesting, because other Bryston gear has been receiving rave reviews lately, especially their small integrated, CD player and DAC. In any case, I read the original review and Manufacturer's rebuttle with some interest, thinking this must be have been a real dilema for the editors.

I usually think that if you want to know what reveiwers really think, look at what they end up buying for themselves. I don't always agree with their choices, but at least you know where they stand on that particular piece.
>>04-04-10: Knownothing
I usually think that if you want to know what reveiwers really think, look at what they end up buying for themselves<<

That's an excellent point but please keep in mind what they buy is usually at a highly discounted price. The real question is would they buy the component at full retail? We will never know that.

It is also quite common, more than most folks realize, for reviewers to pay absolutely nothing for a given component. I represented a company some years ago who made it a practice to give the reviewer each component reviewed gratis. Count me out of that game.
FWIW, I have work in the wine industry for over 15 years now and I can tell you that the wine rags, especially Wine Spectator, are notoriously pay-for-play. Advertise and you get a lot of your products reviewed.