Anyone successful in dealing with Tinnitus?

I have been experiencing ringing in my ears and think I may have it. Any recommendations?
I think each one of us might have different reasons that have brought our problem to the point where it is currently at. My tinnitus constantly increases or decreases along with my hyperacusis. There is probably not "one" common thing everyone could do to decrease there symptoms. At one point, I unplugged my stereo and thought I wouldn't be able to use it anymore. (a very low point) I'm doing fairly wll now as long as I'm careful in regards to noise exposure in "ANY" situation.
Cdc... What did you mean..."life of a blob"?
If there really is a cure, I too want to know about it. I have simply learned to live with it, and that is my best recommendation to you. It won’t kill you, it doesn’t hurt, and in fact it’s physically harmless. I know people who have let it emotionally and mentally consume them. My brother-in law wears a set of headphones all day long and listens to “different noise” to take his mind off the ringing. That’s just crazy. Get your mind right. Grasp the facts. You can still hear, you can still enjoy music, you can still conduct business and communicate, make love, laugh, run, jump, skip….It doesn’t have to be something that gets you down, hinders your lifestyle or preoccupies your thoughts. YOU ARE OKAY. Now, live your life…This is how I have beaten the damn thing! I hate to see anyone end up like my brother-in law.

By the way, my Tinnitus is so severe that I truly can’t “hear” the quite. If I go into the wilderness to a peaceful isolated place that is as quiet as things get on earth, I just can’t appreciate the lack of sound because of the damned ringing. This is one of the few times that the ringing really affects my lifestyle. At this point, I say #$%@ it, and I have a drink of my favorite medicinal and I take in the visual beauty of the setting. I still appreciate the serenity; I just don’t get to experience the phenomenon of silence.
Hi Slaw, a day in the life of a blob would be sitting in a chair, then sitting at a desk, then sitting in the car, then sitting at the dinner table, then sitting in front of the TV, then going to bed.

As the risk of showing how little I know:

Equalization of pressure in the ear may have an influence on hearing problems. Musicians can open and close their Eustachian tubes at will.

Lymphatic drainage is also related to motion in the spinal column and can be related to the ears.

I know people who are fairly active but still have no motion in their sacrum. When they lie on their back with their knees bent and calves on a chair, they get dizzy in a minute as their spine is so locked up.

The point is, M.D.'s are overlooking a LOT of potential causes.
I feel like I'm unique in that I am experiecing Hyperacusis in addition to Tinnitus. I can only imagine what our "troops" must be going through. You never hear of this problem, but I'm sure it's quite predominate in the military.
Be careful Slaw - I have both also, and made the mistake of over compensating, and using earplugs too often. It made my hearing even more hyper.

I went back to gradual, regular exposures to the 'real world' unless I knew they were excessive and the hyperacusis has diminished.