Inactive audio members that you miss

Do you ever think about former Audiogon members that provided some degree of satisfaction whenever you read one of their posts, but seem no longer active?

I, for one, really miss Cornfedboy. I thought his posts were hysterical, and they tended to put us all in the proper light: Crazy but happy. Then he signed off when he said that he was going to be doing consulting for Audiogon.

Then there is Sean. I thought his posts were very informative and I learned a lot from him. Then came the dispute with Audiogon, etc, and we haven't heard from Sean for a while. I think that's our loss.

And finally, Lugnut. Patrick sold me an entire box of LP's when I was starting a vinyl collection for the first time. He sold it to me for a song, and I think he took care of the shipping of this very heavy box. A year or two later I read on Audiogon that he had died. Tragic.

Do you have other Audiogon members who you enjoyed reading posts that, for some reason or another, are now silent?
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Ellery911 comes to mind. It was during the DK Design amp ruckus and I had just discovered the forum here. I don't know they guy personally but his thoughtful and well written arguments stood out.
Probably should curse him for getting me hooked on the forums.
Lugnut of course. And whatever happened to Slappy? That guy made me laugh my ass off.
[q]I miss hearing from Aball. His knowledge on Mac items was superb. His voice has been silent for awhile now.
I visited Aball last Aug @ his residence. He was very friendly & hospitable & my visit was very enjoyable. If memory serves me correctly, he does not have any McIntosh equipment anymore altho' he still remains a fan of their products.
Sufentanil, good call.

Lugnut and Sean were incredibly likeable members, I sure miss them. Both these guys were friends, names I had on my speed dial. The kind of guys I would call just to talk.

I have photos of Pat in my living room listening to music. His health was failing and the worst was during that last Rocky Mountain Audio Show when he knew his time was up. I lost it that last day talking with he and Barb.

Angela100, no activity on her system since '02, humorous, intelligent lady.

Detlof, super nice Swiss gentleman I don't see near enough posting from him these days

Lakefrontroad, no system activity since '04 and no feedback for nearly two years. Bill was a class guy, miss him.

Tireguy has not posted on his system since '08. A bright guy with a wry sense of humor.

Subaruguru, I miss Ernie, I always looked to see if he was touting a Subaru along with his audio answers. Guy was crazy about those cars and intense on most topics he entered into.
We still get the occasional post from Nrchy. Always glad to see one of those.

I had to think a moment to remember his username, actually. Knew where to find it, though: just search on Patrick Malone. Good place to look up names.