"They are here" vs. "You are there"

Sometimes a system sounds like "they are here." That is, it sounds like the performance is taking place IN YOUR LISTENING ROOM.

Sometimes a system sounds like "you are there." That is, it sounds like you have been transported to SOME OTHER ACOUSTICAL SPACE where the performance is taking place.

Two questions for folks:

1. Do you prefer the experience of "they are here" or "you are there"?

2. What characteristics of recordings, equipment, and listening rooms account for the differences in the sound of "they are here" vs. "you are there"?
One more thing about binaural recordings…

While binaural recordings, literally speaking, are bidirectional, they nevertheless RECREATE the same information that results from the OMNIDIRECTIONAL arrival of ambient cues. That is precisely the point I have been trying to make about the listening room, namely, that it must RECREATE, to whatever extent possible, the same information that results from the OMNIDIRECTIONAL arrival of ambient cues, if it is to create the illusion that “you are there.”

Now I will pause for a brief resumption of my life.
Thanks very much, Bryon. With the clarifications, qualifications, and further exposition you have provided, I find little or nothing to disagree with. Although as we both agree, a lot of what has been said remains in the realm of hypothesis, that is conceivably refutable or subject to further qualification.

When you have time to return here from the real world :-) please take a look at item 3 in my previous post, which I added in some time after initially submitting the post. I believe you may not have seen it when you composed your response, and I'd be interested in your comments on it.

Best regards,
-- Al
Bryon and Al, you both make some very interesting points! In general, I agree with most all of them, particularly Al's. Regarding this bi-directional vs. omni-directional subject, though, I do think it is very important to remember that in a good concert hall, sound is really not coming from EVERY direction at exactly the same moment. Acousticians try to design the overall space so that as much of the sound as possible goes directly to the audience, and that the reflected sound is channeled in such a way that it interferes with this as little as possible. So although sound does come from many different directions, it does not come from all of them anywhere near equally, and the overall effect is not PRIMARILY omni-directional, only secondarily so. Again, this is assuming a well-designed hall, and I am admittedly over-simplifying. I think the point I am trying to make here is similar to Al's point no. 3 he asked you to reconsider. (On a side note, this is why some musicians I know claim that even stereo reproduction sounds fake, and do as much of their listening as possible to older mono recordings! I don't go that far myself, but I have been exposed to a truly great mono set-up, and had to admit that it was at least as realistic as the best stereo set-ups I have heard.)

This point leads to another - listening rooms do not come anywhere near capable of recreating the original recording space, if this space is a concert hall (or a good jazz club, for that matter) - so this means that the listening space will ALWAYS be fundamentally different from the recording space, as I believe you put it, in these cases, and this is why I believe you are overestimating it's importance. It must be a very good listening space indeed, beyond the capabilities of the vast majority of us, to come close to recreating the sound of a concert hall in their listening room. I am not suggesting the room is unimportant (it can definitely help in the ways you suggest), but merely not as important as the speakers, and certainly not as important as the recording itself, which is by far the greatest factor.

Another point I would make, per our discussion of speaker types, is that while I think I understand your comment that "neither [speaker type] is inherently superior to the other, when considered independent of the listening room," in practice, one cannot listen to the speaker independent of the listening room, so while that statement may be true in theory, it doesn't have any practical value.

As for the binaural recording issue, I have absolutely no experience with this - I have never heard a binaural recording. The subject is interesting, and I would like to hear one sometime, but until then I will remain skeptical, for the reasons I already stated. And I still remain convinced that though the very best types of headphones out there may be able to provide some ambient cues, they will not be of anywhere near the quality of normal speakers. I do not claim to know the scientific reasons behind it, but it has much to do with what Al alluded to about the ears not picking up the sound in the same way. I read a very good article about this subject a few years ago written by an engineer, but have no recollection of where, unfortunately. I may try a Google search, and if I can find it, I will share the link.
3) Omnidirectional presentation in the listening space presents in an omnidirectional manner not only the reflected sound that was captured in the recording space, but also the sound that was captured in the recording space via the direct path between instrument(s) and mics. The directly captured sound, of course, having a significantly earlier arrival time at the mics. Intuitively that would seem, at best, to invoke a significant tradeoff.

Yes, Al, I did miss this when responding to your post. Don’t know why. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that, if you construct a reactive listening space with an omnidirectional sound field, that omnidirectional sound field will include both the DIRECT and the INDIRECT sound from the recording space. In other words, some of the sound that was DIRECT in the recording space is now INDIRECT in the listening space, which is, strictly speaking, an INACCUATE ambient cue. If that is the “tradeoff” you are referring to, then…

In my view, it is a worthwhile tradeoff. I believe that the value of providing a listening space in which ambient cues can arrive at the listening position omnidirectionally outweighs the value of hearing the exact ambient cues on the recording without the addition spurious ambient cues created by the listening space. The criterion for that judgment is: Which is more valuable to creating the illusion that “you are there”?

In other words, OMNIDIRECTIONAL ambient cues are more valuable than STRICTLY ACCURATE ambient cues for creating the illusion that “you are there.” I believe that headphones (in the absence of a binaural recordings) illustrate that, in that headphones will give you the most ACCURATE sound of the ambient cues of the recording, but not an OMNIDIRECTIONAL presentation of those cues. The result is the ABSENCE of the illusion that "you are there."

In my view, if you value accuracy above all else, then listening through headphones or in an acoustically inert room is superior. But if you value the experience that “you are there,” then listening in a room that supports omnidirectional ambient cues is superior, even if some of those ambient cues do not exist on the recording. This is an especially worthwhile tradeoff if the spurious ambient cues created by the listening space RESEMBLE the kinds of ambient cues created by the recording space. This brings me to…

…listening rooms do not come anywhere near capable of recreating the original recording space, if this space is a concert hall (or a good jazz club, for that matter) - so this means that the listening space will ALWAYS be fundamentally different from the recording space…

Learsfool – I think you slightly overstate the case here, but the general point that you are making is one that I have acknowledged throughout this thread. That is to say, constructing a listening space that CLOSELY resembles certain recording spaces can be nearly impossible, unless we were all very rich men. However, that does not mean that we must abandon the concept of resemblance altogether. To me, the listening space can still APPROXIMATE the recording space in ways that enhance the illusion that “you are there.” I mentioned some ways in a previous post.

Admittedly, a close approximation may require more architectural design and more acoustical treatment than most of us can afford, but I believe that audiophiles can learn lessons from great listening rooms in order to improve their own listening rooms, even if it is only on a very modest scale. As it turns out, many of the features that make a listening room great are available to the thrifty audiophile in a more modest version, if he has the inclination to try.

Incidentally, I am not holding myself up as a exemplar of conscientiousness about listening room acoustical design. Hardly. But I have the belief that it is The Great Frontier for audiophiles. That goes for me, and frankly, for most A’gon folks, judging from the virtual systems on this site.
Thanks Bryon. Yes, you interpreted my point no. 3 as I intended it, that the inclusion of what was direct sound in the recording space in an omnidirectional listening space presentation represents a significant inaccuracy, which must be traded off against the benefits of the omnidirectional listening space presentation.

The reason you didn't see no. 3 previously is simple -- it wasn't there when you started composing your previous response :-). As I mentioned in my subsequent post, I added it in sometime after initially submitting the post to which it was added, and by that time you were obviously working on your response (as shown by the fact that you referred to the headphone part of my post as item 3, rather than item 4 which it subsequently became).

I suppose that the bottom line in the tradeoff we are referring to comes down to matters of degree, which in turn are dependent on the speakers, the constraints imposed by the particular listening space, the types of recordings that are listened to, and the preferences of the listener.

The only exception I would take with respect to your last post would be the statement that:
I believe that headphones (in the absence of a binaural recordings) illustrate that, in that headphones will give you the most ACCURATE sound of the ambient cues of the recording, but not an OMNIDIRECTIONAL presentation of those cues.
I am doubtful that on non-binaural recordings headphones can be said to give an accurate reproduction of ambient cues, or anything else, because of the fact that they bypass the pinnae, and inject the sound from the sides instead of from the front. Although of course they can be extremely revealing and analytical. And once again a tradeoff is involved, because their accuracy (in the sense that you are using the term here) is aided by the absence of room effects.

Best regards,
-- Al