I am doubtful that on non-binaural recordings headphones can be said to give an accurate reproduction of ambient cues, or anything else, because of the fact that they bypass the pinnae, and inject the sound from the sides instead of from the front.
This is a good point, Al. I should have chosen an anechoic chamber rather than headphones to illustrate my view that omnidirectional ambient cues are more valuable than strictly accurate ambient cues for creating the illusion that you are there.
On a side note, how do you edit a post after its been posted? Can you give me a link to instructions here on Agon?
Dgarretson Glad that you joined in. I had never heard of the crossfeeding process you describe. I would love to hear it some day. Connecting it to this discussion, I would say that, like binaural recordings, it once again illustrates the importance of the DIRECTIONALITY of ambient cues for creating the illusion that you are there.
Cbw Wow! A lot of great thoughts and insights.
Consider doing the playback in exactly the same space as the recording. You set up the speakers and the equipment to optimally reproduce the soundstage, and put the listener in the position of the microphone that recorded the performance. Thus, your listening space exactly reproduces the recording space. Is this the optimal space for creating the you are there experience? I dont think so
The real goal in this approach is not to PHYSICALLY replicate the recording space, but rather to approximate it in some important ACOUSTICAL parameters, including: relative balance of direct and indirect sound, relative balance of reflected/diffused/absorbed sound, time delay of first indirect sound, reverberation time, and so on. Optimizing these acoustical parameters of the listening space so that they have values that approximate those of the recording space is the kind of resemblance I have in mind. I should probably drop the word resemblance altogether from this discussion, because it does conjure up images of physical likeness. I should stick to words like emulate, to avoid the idea that this approach is about PHYSICAL resemblance. Its not. Its about ACOUSTICAL resemblance.
You are quite right to point out that acoustical resemblance during playback cannot be achieved simply by creating a facsimile of the recording space. Creating an acoustical resemblance between the listening space and the recording space takes into account things like the number of sound sources in the listening room (two, assuming you are listening in stereo) and the position of the listener relative to those sources and to room boundaries. It also takes into account a host of other variables, the manipulation of which, with any luck, results in a listening space that acoustically emulates the recording space, at the listening position. With that in mind...
The various kinds of room colorations you mention, what you are calling source distortion, echo distortion, and temporal distortion, are definitely things to be addressed. But it seems to me that these are precisely the kinds of things that an acoustically treated room DOES address. Source distortion is typically addressed by absorption or diffusion at the first order reflection points on the side walls and the ceiling. Echo distortion is typically addressed with diffusion behind the speakers. Temporal distortion is typically addressed by balancing the ratio of absorption to diffusion to achieve a specific reverberation time.
In light of this, I do not believe that the various kinds of distortion you mention are, in themselves, reason to believe that this approach is doomed to failure. IF this approach were tantamount to constructing a listening space that was a PHYSICAL replica of the recording space, then I would agree with you that it would be doomed. But the approach is to construct a listening space that, in important ACOUSTICAL respects, emulates the recording space, AS HEARD FROM THE LISTENING POSITION. It seems to me that that approach is not doomed to failure, though it is certainly bounded by constraints, both practical and theoretical.
So you have a range of recordings (from heavy cues to none), and a range of rooms (from live to dead), but it doesnt seem possible to have an optimal room for both ends of the spectrum (which I think youve said)
I agree that it is not possible to have an optimal room for all recordings. A person must choose on the basis of the recordings they tend to listen to, or the ones they are the most interested in optimizing, for whatever reason.
To sum up, I think to the extent that you succeed in making the ambience cues from the recording omnidirectional, theyll be mis-timed, out of phase, and probably polarity flipped. And that is on top of all of the very strong room cues that you will necessarily generate to get the recorded cues to be omnidirectional. Or, to put it another way, I dont think it is possible to get the recorded cues to be omnidirectional without seriously compromising the you are there effect.
This is an interesting argument. As I understand it, you are saying that the measures required to create omnidirectional ambient cues in the listening space would, in effect, destroy the accuracy of the ambient cues of the recording, as heard at the listening position. In a way, you are saying what Al said in point (3) of his post from 9/13 - what he described as a tradeoff. So my response to your argument is the same as my response to his observation: My view is that omnidirectional ambient cues are more valuable than strictly accurate ambient cues for creating the illusion that "you are there." Having said that, I guess Im not as skeptical as you, Cbw, about the possibility of constructing a listening space whose acoustics allow for omnidirectional ambient cues that are REASONABLY ACCURATE to the recording. I wish I had the resources to build some rooms and put these theories to the test!
So, my theory:
1) Strong recorded cues + live room = a mess tending toward they are here
2) Strong recorded cues + dead room = your are there but bidirectional cues
3) Weak recorded cues + live room = they are here but if the room is sufficiently like the recording space, you approximate you are there for that space
4) Weak recorded cues + dead room = they are here (or in a studio)
Now this is a nice way of organizing things! But I dont agree with it all. I think you are absolutely correct about scenarios (3) and (4). But, as I've indicated above, I dont think category (1) would necessarily result in the mess you anticipate, provided that careful attention were paid to acoustical design. I am also doubtful that scenario (2) would result in the illusion that you are there, for the reason I have stated many times in this thread, namely that I dont believe the bidirectional presentation of ambient cues can create the illusion that "you are there." In effect, scenario (2) is an approximation of an anechoic chamber, and I dont believe you can create the illusion that you are there under those conditions.
Having said all this, I should reiterate something I mentioned earlier in this thread, but that may have been lost in the discussion by now: I don't believe that constructing a listening space that emulates a particular recording space is the BEST approach to building a listening room, for many of the reasons that have been pointed out, and some that have not. I do believe that it is a VALID approach, especially for audiophiles who tend to listen to one type of music. For folks who listen to a wide range of music with vastly different recording spaces, constructing a listening space that emulates a particular recording space is probably NOT the best approach. In the latter case, the best approach is probably a balance of:
(1) Emulation of some set of recording spaces.
(2) Creation of a listening space that provides a balance of attributes important for the hearing exactly what is on the recording.
To the extent that an audiophile chooses (1), he is favoring colorations over accuracy. To the extent that he chooses (2), he is favoring accuracy over colorations. (1) is the approach of some audiophiles who are primarily interested in creating a playback space that they themselves find interesting; (2) is the approach of recording studios, where accuracy is the Order of the Day.
The use of the word "coloration" above is not pejorative. Although I am an outspoken (read: notorious) advocate of the absence of colorations in equipment, I have a much more mixed view of colorations in the listening room. Although many listening room colorations are destructive (think: room modes, flutter echo, comb filtering, etc.), some room colorations, I believe, are beneficial. Among other things, they can enhance the illusion that "you are there."