Opinions - The Absolute Sound

I recently recieved an offer in the mail for a year of The Absolute Sound for $14.95. I've never had a subscription to an audiophile type magazine and am wondering if it's worth getting for this, or any, price.
Seems kind of ridiculous to get this serious about what is basically IMO entertainment. Yes, for me, there are entertaining moments in the magazine that are worth the reasonable cost of admission.
Not earth shattering by any means, not meant to be. Maybe we should all lighten up a bit.
And of course if the magazine is not to ones liking, no one is forcing anyone to read it.
Personally, I've never bought audio equipment based on a review although reviews have tweaked my curiosity enough to investigate. But I frequently buy music based on reviews.
empirical observations and so called empirical knowledge is based upon induction. so called empirical knowledge is usually synthetetic posteriori.

that is a collection of corroborating facts leads to knowledge of an evnt.

for example. the sun has risen evry day for a long time. i suupose you might say that one knows that the sun will shine the next day. such knowledge is based upon induction.

the problem with induction is that the exception disproves the rule, and it will take an infinite number of occurrences to rpove with certain (, i.e., to know) that something is true.

that which is considered knowledge must be true and provable.

mathematics or logic based upon the analytic a priori principle is necessary to establish knowledge.

therefore, empirical knowledge is an oxymoron. if a conclusion is based upon empirical observation it does not constitute knowledge.

knowledge is tautological.

that is given axioms, and definitions proofs are possible.

euclidian geometry is a fertile field from which analytical proofs are possible.
hi frogman:

i reread your post in which you commented on statements you believe are held by some cynical audiophiles. while i agree your statements are opinions. to suggest that that knowledge is relevant is something with which i don't agree.

accusing someone of not knowing what he/she is talking about is an ad hominem remark,in my opinion.

my comemnts did not insult you personally.

i would be willing to debate the principles of philosophy , knowledge and mathematics if you wish.

the appropriate context would be e mails or by phone.

the ball is in your court.
I'm not embarrassed to say I looked up "tautological". I would advise you guys take a chill-pill, but it is evident you both enjoy the exchange.
Lets just say, if you get the subscription, be aware that the reviews may be bias and many think TAS is rubbish. That is not reason for you to not draw your own conclusions as to the validity of content and entertainment value. Order the damn thing, its cheap.
You opine here in six months.