Opinions - The Absolute Sound

I recently recieved an offer in the mail for a year of The Absolute Sound for $14.95. I've never had a subscription to an audiophile type magazine and am wondering if it's worth getting for this, or any, price.
for example, as silly as it sounds, you can say , i know i own a levenson amp, but you can't prove it using mathematics or logic, since it requires you to see the amp.

Do the mathematics on my credit card bill count?
I have no problem with philosophical discussions but this poor guy asked our opinions on TAS.
I've subscribed to the AS and Stereophile for several years. I've read both publications since the early 80s. Both publications have changed radically over the years. Both have groups of writers/audiophiles that write fun, interesting, informative, and opinionated articles. I still miss the AS when HP held sway over his kingdom. I didn't always agree, but the writing was always witty, entertaining,and informative. Some of the best years to read all the mags was when HP was lambasting the editors of IAR or Stereophile or vice versa. Despite his critics, IMHO, HP did provide audiophiles with a vocabulary to describe what he was hearing and many of his descriptive terms have been adopted today. I also believe that many of his reviews on equipment and subsequent essays on equipment sonics both positevely and negatively influenced the industry. I'm sure at the time, many an audiophile was seduced by HP's decriptions of the mighty Infinity IRS or Tympanis or Magnepan/Infinity QRS speaker systems and even though many folks couldn't stomach HP's wit or hubris, many still wished they could own the equipment he was describing.

Today as ever, I sometimes find myself skipping the reviews on certain components on the first read, only to find myself interested at a latter date in a component still costing thousands on the used market. The afore mentioned publicatioins do/did a fine job describing the equipment and its sonic signature. Thank heavens, many of the reviews can be found on line today, otherwise I'd have a whole corner of my basement filled to the brim.

Sometimes I wonder about subscribing being a waste of money, but my friend JDoris pointed out that for $15.00 they provide cheap entertainment and exposure to equipment costing thousands of dollars that one will never view/audition in St. Louiis. The mags still provide clues (though you have to read carefully) on how to get the best sound from a particlar component or how to setup the latest trends in both digital and analog technology. I also read many of the online publications and find them helpful as well.

So I say, subscribe away! I still look forward to a good read/fantasy about equipment I'll never be able to view, purchase, or audition. I just wouldn't base my purchases on the publications opinions!
Best of luck to all.
I have no problem with philosophical discussions but this poor guy asked our opinions on TAS.

Aww Rja, come on, both Mrtennis and I expressed views about TAS. Mrtennis is skeptical of the Mags value, while I, for the sort of reasons described in detail by Sgr, think many, if not most, hobbyists would get 30 bucks a year of value from subscribing to both TAS and Sp. So my advice, tempered by paper-consumption-guilt, is to try both.

Actually, the philosophical discussion helps contextualize Mrtennis' skeptical remarks on the Mags. He doesn't think the Mags are a source of knowledge, but as he's said, he doesn't think you have knowledge of what amp you own, what country you reside in, and how many children reside in your house, either. Good to know where people are coming from! ;)
