Do you listen alone or with guest s

I am curious about the social element of listening to an audiophile system. Do you listen alone?? with wife, ladyfriend, buddy or guests?? For myself, I prefer to listen alone and for a few important reasons. I like to listen to the performance of the system I have put together or have made changes to. I listen to judge the performance of the musicians in terms of innnovations,and new revelations about the music's structure. I listen to "just" listen, to get that emotional fix that only music can provide. I occasionally ask my wife to listen with me or to a particular cut, but after about six minutes she loses interest. In the past, with lesser systems, I tried to point out things to friends in the music that I was hearing. After a short while, I realized I was making others uncomfortable, and also myself. Listening alone over the years became a ritual. I never regretted following this path, and was/am surely open to other listeners in the room....Maybe this is smug attitude to have; I think it comes with the territory of high-end audio. It often annoys me when I see people switch on a stereo and listen for just background music, or incidental music. I feel it denigrates the music and the musicians (excluding hip-hop, Daughtry,and Lady Gaga) I realize and am grateful there is no "golden rule book" for listening to music. The audiophile who drops thousand of dollars on his system cares about sound and music---science in the service of art.
The Dogs seem to like to be where ever I am, so if I am listening they are around. Other then that, I am alone which allows me to disappear into the music. My sessions tend to be late at night.
Well, at least I know I am neither loosing my hearing, nor anti-social based on the great response to my thread.... On the issue of playing music loud, I had some people question me about it. However, you are not playing it loud if you are properly "pressurizinng" the room, and finding the right volume level of the recording....that is not headbanger behavior.... As many commmented, "focus" is the key, to enjoying music, and as noted lets the "magic happen".... It can be a lonely experience, but I prefer to think of it as meditative. A retreat from the meaningless trivia of life. Those members who have wives who listen and enjoy with them are very fortunate.... One final antedote: A few weeks ago, I played the CD: "Hundred Year Hall" a live recording from the Grateful Dead's European tour in 1972. I usually listen up to track 8, and skip the next: "Turn on your Lovelight" and finish out Disc 1. I decided this time to let the disc play through completely. "Lovelight" is nearly 20 minutues long. About half way through, the band hooked out. The next ten minutes of music was pure esctasy, and musical genius. They explored several avenues of musical style, stepping on the gas, then slowing the music down in remarkable increments, seeming always to be closing toward a finale, then almost jumping to another plane of speed and harmonic variations. I was left stunned as the track ended, marveling at the virtuosity of this great band. For me, these "moments" are what high end can capture about music. Regards to all Jim
Music appreciation is so subjective that similar tastes is a non starter. Appreciation requires concentration and having others around is a distraction, in so many ways. It is so deeply personal that it becomes a selfish act allowing one to fully mesh with the experience. It's like meditation and that requires singularity.
I think I need a therapist.
I listen alone but enjoy listening with fellow audiophiles who appreciate music like I do, they know when to listen and when to talk.
I'm an Only Child, so of course I listen alone. Seriously...Alone. Why?

One of my friends used to sell stereos back in the eighties and when he came over to listen, all he could muster was that it sounds "different," but I couldn't get him to say better.

Another friend is part of a broadcast crew and did some audio recording work including some with Bob Katz (Chesky). He thinks we're all nut-jobs and unless you run a cable over 100 feet you can use piano wire and it won't make a difference.

A third friend only owns a boom, end of story.

My wife goes upstairs and watches TV when I turn on the system.

I listen alone and I'm damn proud of it!!!