
To all audiophiles and music lovers I wish you Merry Christmas
Happy Hannuchrismakwanzakah to all!!!! Looks like CT's white Christmas is coming about 36 hrs late. Forecast is for 6-12" (or more) of blowing, drifting snow for Sunday afternoon. Time to hunker down w family and friends, a good bourbon, and my flat screen for a few days.

Although freverently suggested by my sales person at Home Depot, or as I refer to the joint as my ‘Adult Toy Store’, I declined to add on the Super pack of gauze and velcor polypropalene really niffty reusueable and it doubles as a Western neck tie in a pinch, a color coordinated ‘tourniquet’.

I told him the only trick here is that one needs be just a bit smarter than the machine they intend to operate, and many if not all of those emergency follow up measures can be eliminated.

Merry Happy… Swamp…
Blindjim, So eloquently put, your thoughts concerning war, and prayers to those now involved.