If a credit card is vinyl, what is cash?
According to them, cash =
Vinyl in the News
If a credit card is vinyl, what is cash? According to them, cash = http://ronmacarthur.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/8-track-12.jpg?w=150&h=88 |
(Remember those?) chuckle chuckle ... like, people don't play records anymore.. yeah well, the folks writing this article have: Ever in their life heard music reproduced with any slight resemblance to fidelity of the original event, any resemblance at all? yeah I'm chuckling at YOU with the SH*T ipod devise... I'll keep spinning my music at 33.3 rpm thank you. ... and I personally have no need for all those microwaves coursing thru my head or body modifying my DNA. |
maybe one day we will be able to plan a Mars mission using our phones? But until then I am perfectly alright just making a phone call and spinning vinyl. I invited a friend over {lady friend} and had her listen to some vinyl. She was amazed how good it sounded and asked why she enjoyed it so much more then her ipod and CD player. I really had no answer but to say it just sounds better. |
I must say that the salesman was flummoxed when I went in to buy a flip phone with no keyboard, games, etc. After some thought he went in back and came out with one. We may be forced to go to smart phones as we are becoming eccentrics. I talk with a guy with an Iphone who is often disconnected by touching the front screen anywhere. Who needs that? I have friends who have sent me text messages that I never acknowledged. I have banned them and their charges on my phone. Why would I pay for messages when I can get voice mail for nothing? |