If I want to read about political events and topics, I will buy Time or Newsweek, not Stereophile. Sure the two can exist in a magazine, but so can porn or some other subject that is just not what most of us signed up for. IMO, the space that is employed by Stereophile writers giving life to their political slant should be about audio.
Not for anything, maybe I am naive, but has anyone ever seen a TV commercial for Mark Levinson, Audio Research, conrad-johnson, etc,etc. Has anyone ever heard them advertise over the radio. Has anyone ever had a pop up on their computer form any audio manufacturer. The medium is there for the audio industry to reach all demographics in the entire world and yet, a few audio magazines are barely breathing trying to carry the weight of the industry in fewer and fewer pages.
Not for anything, maybe I am naive, but has anyone ever seen a TV commercial for Mark Levinson, Audio Research, conrad-johnson, etc,etc. Has anyone ever heard them advertise over the radio. Has anyone ever had a pop up on their computer form any audio manufacturer. The medium is there for the audio industry to reach all demographics in the entire world and yet, a few audio magazines are barely breathing trying to carry the weight of the industry in fewer and fewer pages.