Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
I have a tube cd-player running direct to a modded krell 700cx solid state amp, looking into, perhaps krell's finest pre-amps ever made to grace my amp in the near future, my bucket list so to speak of, you guys know how this goes, Exspensive!, takes time for me to get anything it seems, that will change very soon!
Audiolab, I didnt buy the HF. Its on loan from The Cable Co along with the Purist Audio Design Aqueous Aureus Luminist. These two cables are definitely different! I will post my thoughts after I listen for a bit.

Accusations should be carefully backed by the facts. In your case the facts contradict your accusations. Referring to the GTX-D I clearly stated "I cannot compare the gold to the rhodium because I have never used the gold in my system." You are accusing me of something I clearly never stated nor implied.

I have stated clearly that rhodium usually works better than gold in my system. This refers to both my ss and tube based systems. I have also used Furutech rhodium-plated spades and preferred them to most gold-plated spades used on speaker wires from different companies. I may be mistaken but I believe there is a very good reason why Furutech makes rhodium products.

Regarding rhodium versus gold, there are no authorities here -- neither Chris VenHaus nor his customers nor anyone else. No one knows their system better than themselves. The only authorities are one's own ears. If gold works for you it works for you. If rhodium works for you it works for you.

By the way, unless I am mistaken I think that Audiolabyrinth can speak for himself.
Tboooe, Hi, Thanks, I look forward to what you have to say about the digital cables.