Piece of Audio gear you regret selling

Hello friends,

I just like to ask you all about one thing?
Was there ever a piece of audio equipment that you folks regret selling becouse it simply was sounding so good.
Sold my Nak tape deck a few yrs back. Hadn't used it in yrs but oddly enough, I regret selling it. Got the same thing going on with a Denon tuner sitting in my closet. Hasn't been used in yrs, but I still can't bring myself to pull the trigger!
Ebm, you are a human being after all. Welcome.
I too regret buing certain things. I should've waited and bought more serious analog front end in the first place instead of getting entry level to start with. Made no sense and I lost some money.
The subject of dealers and manufacturers participating in this forum, openly or not, is a controversial one. I started the thread about it some time ago which did not get through the moderator.
My TT. Not because it sounded so great when I had it on my then lo-lo-lo-fi system. But because had I kept it I'd have kept all of my albums. Had I done that, today I'd get a decent TT for my now hi-fi system. Dumping my albums for the panacea of CDs was THE biggest mistake of my audio life.