NYC Show

I attended th Axpona NYC Show last and despite a disappointing number of exhitors and crowds I heard many excellent sounding rooms such as Rogue/Eggleston Works, Legacy/Coda, Pass/KEF, Linkwitz, Steinway, MBL, Emotiva, Unison Research/Opera and I am sure a few others I am forgetting to mention. I also enjoyed a few Video/Audio demonstrations in the Totem and Thiel rooms. To me it is a bargain to hear all of these great components for $25., espcecially with fewer and fewer brick and mortar high end audio stores. I would go back today, but I have family commitments, but I am glad I worked half a day yesterday and got to spend a good 6 1/2 hours at the show
I just wanted to chime in with some inside info about the Axpona NYC show. From what I understand, the organizers had a very short time window to put the show together, and did an excellent job considering the time allotted. The show was part of CE Week (consumer electronics week) in NY, and Axpona was invited to be part of it, but they had to do it very quickly. I am sure the show will be bigger, better and more well attended next year. It was a huge success for us, (especially this being our first time exhibiting at a show), and we will definitely exhibit next year. I just hope to have time to hear more rooms than I did, since I was exhibiting rather than just attending as I did at the 2007 NYC show.
i already comented on my perceptions of the sound at the axpona show. i want to add that i would not want to own any of the stereo systems i heard at the show, for two reasons, no panel speakers and no vintage tube sound.

does anyone have an explanation for the absence of major manufactureres such as audio research, conrad johnson, mcintosh, magnepan, vandersteen, synergistic research, audioquest, et al. ?

by the way. the linkwitz speaker is not worth 14,000, as you can buy two pairs of magnepan 3.7, or one pair of mg 20.1s, instead.
The reason for the absence of many manufacturers is simple. The show was assembled on very short notice and with limited resources. See the post just above yours.