Heaven or Hell

After a long day at work I sit down to listen to my stereo and behold the seas part and yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus the Stereo Gods have granted me a rare evening of audiophile heaven but now I ask you why cant I stay in this state of rapture as the following day at the same time listening to the same music the seas refuse to part and Im here in a state of disbelief. Can anyone tell me why its so hard to stay in that elusive zone? Explanations appreciated.
It's hard to believe, but my system sounds the same every time I sit and listen.
I live out in the country with zero industies in the whole county. I'm the only house hooked to the transformer and I have two dedicated lines. The dedicated lines where an amazing difference. Even separating the digital from the anolog when I put the second dedicated line in was quit a large difference.
I'm not in the same mood everytime I listen, but the sound is the same.
I'm a firm believer in power coloration and addressing the issue. Power conditioners are a wonderful tool to help in this area.
I also don't want to sidestep the fact that the humor factor was way up there.
Needfreestuff was very funny in bringing us into the issue.
But Audiokinesis brought a instant laugh as soon as I read the first line. Well done.
It's not your system, its you. Don't feel ashamed, it happens to everyone (even though some don't want to admit it).
The difference in sound quality that you hear from day to day may not be psychological as another poster suggested . I used to have the same problem and felt the difference was to great to be a matter of state of mind ect . I attributed it to inconsistencies with incoming power . Upgrading to a top notch conditioner seemed to give me consistent sonic qualities . I haven't heard such anomalies since .
Nice topic, state of mind and current emotional factors do have an affect it would seem. I agree with others above who mentioned good power conditiners. Since using a balanced-power isolation transformer the past 3 yearsthe sound is always very high quality without deviations.