Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
Vhiner - I'm an audiophile and I did not intend any ridicule or remarks of a personal nature.

I actually can't find anything that could be construed as personal in my previous note. I do think the 'high resolution of the power supply' comments are out there and use of that type of logic to justify believing in tweaks or not believing in tweaks does drive me crazy. That is directed at the concept and not a particular person or persons however.

As regards "attacking the beliefs you hold", please attack away if so desired. I think that sharing differing views/experience/knowledge is an appropriate use of an audiophile website.
To say that fuses make no difference is to say that your system is not "high resolution". No audiophile will admit to that!

Thanks for the clarification. Clearly, exchanging views is what this site is for. I think it's possible to do that without characterizing another's views as "inducing craziness" but that horse is dead now.

I've never found hypothetical scenarios very interesting or productive. A few others have shared that they heard little or no difference in their systems after installing new fuses while others report major improvements. That's what this particular thread is for.

So far, you have made a hypothetical argument based upon your understanding of engineering principles. I, for one, am far more interested in sticking to the OP's original request, which was to hear from "people who have TRIED this." If you have, share the details of your experience. If not, I don't think theoretical musings about what "should work" and "should not work" to be very helpful. JMTC.
"I've never found hypothetical scenarios very interesting or productive"

Filtering out noise on the input side of stereo equipment is very basic stuff. My guess is that some of your own equipment has ac line noise immunity/voltage tolerance specifications either in the manuals in or available from the manufacturer. It is what it is and there is no need to accept my word for this, a quick bit of research will allow anyone to confirm.

Personally, I think you need to look at the science on tweak threads like this as well as the listening test reports. If you only consider the latter then the only answer you'll ever come up with is "spend the money", placebo effects and the occasional shill tend to always push the testimonials toward the plus side.
The fuse will make no difference to the audio; however, it will make a difference to your billfold.

A fuse is a safety device that lies in series in a circuit between an electrical source and its associated load(s). When the current, or flow of electricity, exceeds its designed threshold, the fuse opens.

How can one 2 amp fuse differ from another, assuming they are both designed for your circuit?