Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
"Vhiner... Just as silly."

Not to criticise, but that seems a little harsh.

Getting back Monty Python:

Magic fuses & wonder ears = silly party
Plummeting to death = very silly party

In my opinion:).
Since Monty Python seems to have calmed things down a bit, let's try this: you guys think you've stimbled upon the room designated for "an argument." You're mistaken. That's the third door down the hall.
"How can interconnects make a difference?"

Nonoise - For what is worth, the measurements and theory crowd (me included) would need to agree that interconnects can indeed make a measurable difference. In the non-audio world as well, you need to be aware of cable issues that can cause unacceptable attenuation when you want precise transmission of sensitive signals.
Jeff_jones... Traditional "measurements" usually report specific characteristics of the signal. The measured parameter can remain unchanged while other parameters change, and affect the sound. The significant parameter for audio is "how it sounds". and the best measurement instrument is the human ear. There is a way to make the ear measurement in a completely objective manner.

In the case of an interconnect...

1. Input a common signal to both channels of your system. You can use a real music signal.

2. Adjust gains and, if necessary, frequency response so that the signal measured across the hot terminals of the amps is zero ( a null). You can make this measurement using a meter or scope. or by ear using a headset.

3. Insert an extra interconnect in one channel.

4. Repeat the null measurement of step 2.

If the null obtained in step 4 is the same as step 2 the interconnect has no effect.