Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.

Not all amps have fuses...Krell for example. I would not risk voiding a warranty for any reason. You should contact the manufacturer about this. It's critical that you replace fuses with the proper specifications required by the manufacturer to avoid damaging your equipment. If it's a large 10 amp slow blow then that is exactly what you need to use.

PS Audio has authorized the HiFi Tuning fuse upgrade for their gear and the company's CEO has blogged about the sonic benefits. It's a major reason why I tried the fuses....that and other user feedback. Hope this helps.
09-26-11: Vhiner
"Not all amps have fuses...Krell for example."

That's crazy talk. Must have a fuse, no? I've never heard of such a thing. For nothing else so that your house doesn't burn down.
Krell amps use no fuses. I believe so they don't impact the sound quality.
I'll just wait for a knowledgable Krell owner with experience to post on this question. I know someone who owns four of them and he says they have no fuses. Until then I'm sure there'll be a week-long theoretical debate about it.
Of course Krell uses fuses. Go to their website and download the manuals like I did and read about the fuse specs like I did.