Regarding fuses, I suppose we could be victims of a 'ripoff' by audiophile fuse manufacturers. Maybe they haven't done anything to them at all. I'm sure there are even counterfeit fuses being made as well as power cords, interconnects, and speaker wire. How many people are going to take apart their $5000.00 interconnects to make sure they have really got what they paid for and I might add would kow the difference between the components of their interconnects anyway? I have been both a witness to and victim of "psychoacoustic effects" before and probably will be again. The fact is in this case, two other audiophiles and I, took apart my PS Audio PWD after listening for about a half hour, and changed the fuses and listened again. Changing the fuses took about a half hour as I changed the fuses in the PWT as well. We were all skeptical about hearing a difference and voiced concerns about the PWD cooling off and not sounding as good because of being unplugged. Then we hooked everything up and listened. For the first time in my experience with the PWD there the sonics did not take a hit after being unplugged. The PWT sounded better with the new fuses installed even having cooled off. I have since removed the fuses and replaced them with the stock ones and listened again, and what do you know, the PWD had taken a step backwards, so I replaced the stock fuses with the Supremes again, and the sound came back. Now I'm not saying that these fuses transformed my system into audio Nirvana, but they do bring the quality up a notch by at least 2000%! Just joking! I did make sure I purchased the fuses from a reputable company, (The Cable Company) so hopefully they are comfortable with the legitimacy of their suppliers. The Cable Company does offer a 30 refund by the way, so doubters could try the fuses and send them back if they could not hear a difference. Just ask for Paul Jenkins. By the way, Paul McGowan of PS Audio, still endorses these tweaked up fuses even though they are not selling them anymore.
As for my statements about why Krell used circuit breakers instead of fuses in the KSA 250 I guess I did infer that the reasons had to do with sound quality. There could be other reasons.