Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
Just to add another bit of info.

I was glancing at the manual for the Vandersteen 3A speakers on another site, and low and behold Mr.V. says that fuses degrade the sound, avoid speakers that have them and amps that have speaker protection fuses.

He's speaking speaker fuses, but the key thing to remember is that "fuses degrade the sound" and I would add that wherever they are used, they will degrade the sound.Peter Aczel found that out 3 decades ago.

I remember when spiking speakers or components placed on tip toes for example was deemed voodoo and snake oil, also about 3 decades ago.

Perhaps in a few more years, upgraded fuses will join the other "snake oil" tweaks that have now become the norm.
Well....ps audio is shipping their PWD mk2 upgrade board with an "upgraded fuse". I believe it'll be a Critical Link.

I've spent too much time thinking about this whole fuse thing. Not even worth "wondering about" IMHO. Should have spent the $100 many thoughts ago and found out for myself. Just ordered a pair so the truth *in my mind* will soon be answered. Not sure why was so hesitant. Tried new/different IC's and PC's without a lot of prodding and research. Neither made any sense at the time but I approached them with an open mind......and learned something. We'll see what happens. The price of admission is small enough to make the risk/reward ratio look pretty darn good.

Plan on installing the fuses in my pwd before the upgrade kit arrives. Since the bridge firmware seems to effect SQ, I'll use my PWT as the source. Also plan on comparing PSA's Critical Link vs the Hi-Fi Supreme after the mk2 arrives and breaks in. Will try to report back with some thoughts.
It's great to see that you are going to take the plunge and try one of the fuses.

Although I am not familiar with any of the gear you will be using the fuse in,like all things in this hobby, YMMV.

With that in mind,the supreme fuses when used in amplifiers,are usually not hard to evaluate.
Audio Magic just came out with their all new Nano-Liquid Premium Fuses for $60 each
The Flat Earth Society newsletter ( yup, they still print paper) just came out...the latest article is about how nano particles cannot exceed the speed of light. Apparently this violates what the Society calls Einstein's Law. (which he called a theory, btw). Swiss researchers are undaunted. They just caused a nano particle to appear in two jars at the same time. No word from the Flat Earther's...they still can't believe there's land beyond the horizon.