Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
I've had the Audio Magic fuses in my Magnepan 3.7's for about a week now. They gave me an immediate and obvious reduction in grain. Very nice! Next up, fuses for my Cary amps and ModWright Sony.
We all love music, and sometimes, it takes someone holding out their hand and saying, take my hand, I won't let you down.
I believed in the HiFi fuses enough that I wanted someone else to experience them without having to lose something.
Conversely, I should point out what you told me when you wrote me, because it turned out you were correct in your statement:
the fuses' arrow doesn't necessarily mean the direction to turn it. I pointed it backwards (as in, it would shoot OUT of the back of amp and into the wall BEHIND the speakers, instead of the way I orignally had it pointed, which was, towards the listening chair) and MAN, did the sound change.
I had written Ken at HiFi Tuning, and he said, nope, don't worry about which way it goes: you'll hear the difference immediately - and I DID. But you got me started. So, to anyone buying it: try the fuse with the arrow pointed towards in both directions and you'll hear which way is best. And you'll hear it so immediately, you'll think you've taken peyote (mushrooms) or some other psychedelic. I was surprised I heard it (and I was skeptical I WOULD hear it, as Ken said I would, but heck, I'm a mad scientist: I try EVERYTHING!). And I heard it. I kept looking around the room, saying, "Okay, who's the wise guy that changed the sound like that? Is there an invisible witch in the room?!?"
I'm glad for the corroboration. Who'd have thunk it?!?!? First it was line conditioners (the Tice started the revolution), then power cords, then...fuses??????? What's the world coming to???
And Vhiner, you're probably right, buy one thing about the Hurricanes: if you make a change in your system, they'll let you know about it. I know some people want uber-resolution above all, but I want musical resolution: more microdynamics, more musical resolution, more MUSIC(!) he said, as he swooned away into Dance Macabre...
Wow, after 4 pages of all this about fuses, I am really beginning to wonder...it is so simple guys. If it makes a difference, then it does, if it doesn't or you don't care to investigate, then leave it alone. Why all the fuss and bother?

The reason that we will never be 100% accurate with weather prediction is that we can never measure all the variables that make it up, ahead of the event. Even if we have a 10 mile on a side cube, with sensors at 1 ft intervals, we would still not have enough data to be able to predict what will happen becasue all the points in between the 1 ft interces would not be measured.

Music is an art form in the ear of the beholder. Even if at worst there is a placebo effect, it can still be worth the trouble to use high end fuses so as to achieve a positive result.

Time we get off our high horses and start enjoying this hobby, aoh yeah, and the music (remember that word?) again eh?
Nobody sways or converts?

That's not correct.

Anyone who switched out a cheap stock fuse for an upgraded one will never switch back to the way it was.So they've been converted.

There's no going back for us,whereas some folks aren't wiling to go forward.

No matter if the upgraded fuse was only ten cents, I am certain the naysayers wouldn't buy one.

Simple things like replacing a fuse,don't require that you need and electrical engineering degree.

Perhaps that's part of it.

It's too simple!
Gbmcleod -
I somehow just happened upon your post of 12-30-11. Your experience is almost word for word what mine has been going from the stock fuse to a HiFi Tuning Supreme fuse with my Simaudio 600i amp., solid state no less. The change was immediately noted for the better. After the first few hours or so it was obvious that the UF had expanded, and with more detail. Overall, there was a greater sense of ease to the music. It was smoother (less grain), yet more detailed.
I have used Furutech fuses in the past. With the digital players (some midfi, some pretty resolving) I have had, I found them to always improve the UF, provide better detail and smooth the music out. I just replaced the 2 fuses in the Sony 5400es I have with 2 Furutechs and the changes were as mentioned above. I have not tried other brands.