We all love music, and sometimes, it takes someone holding out their hand and saying, take my hand, I won't let you down.
I believed in the HiFi fuses enough that I wanted someone else to experience them without having to lose something.
Conversely, I should point out what you told me when you wrote me, because it turned out you were correct in your statement:
the fuses' arrow doesn't necessarily mean the direction to turn it. I pointed it backwards (as in, it would shoot OUT of the back of amp and into the wall BEHIND the speakers, instead of the way I orignally had it pointed, which was, towards the listening chair) and MAN, did the sound change.
I had written Ken at HiFi Tuning, and he said, nope, don't worry about which way it goes: you'll hear the difference immediately - and I DID. But you got me started. So, to anyone buying it: try the fuse with the arrow pointed towards in both directions and you'll hear which way is best. And you'll hear it so immediately, you'll think you've taken peyote (mushrooms) or some other psychedelic. I was surprised I heard it (and I was skeptical I WOULD hear it, as Ken said I would, but heck, I'm a mad scientist: I try EVERYTHING!). And I heard it. I kept looking around the room, saying, "Okay, who's the wise guy that changed the sound like that? Is there an invisible witch in the room?!?"
I'm glad for the corroboration. Who'd have thunk it?!?!? First it was line conditioners (the Tice started the revolution), then power cords, then...fuses??????? What's the world coming to???
And Vhiner, you're probably right, buy one thing about the Hurricanes: if you make a change in your system, they'll let you know about it. I know some people want uber-resolution above all, but I want musical resolution: more microdynamics, more musical resolution, more MUSIC(!) he said, as he swooned away into Dance Macabre...