Do you buy new equipment because you are bored

Does you're system sound fantastic but you feel the need to change something out of boredom. I have been feeling this way lately. I wonder if it is a mental Issue.
The fact is that I seem to get a boost out of getting something new. It helps stir the excitement back into the hobby. I know just what your feeling.
Good question.
Everything here is mostly mental issue. So, yeah, why not? I don't do it because of the expense involved, common sense usually prevails.
Clearly it's a mental issue. Change for the sake of change. A slippery slope to be sure.

Sometimes feel the same way, but generally regret it later when I act on it. Just enjoy the music.
Definitely a mental problem. And definitely one that I share...once I get used to the way thing sounds, often find myself compulsively longing to change things and take "the next step," even if I need to invent one just for the sake of exploring it. Changing something is invigorating, allows you to rediscover all sorts of stuff. That, and the upgrade gremlins are insidious little bastards. Never know how they're going to get their hooks in you -- and yes, do frequently seek to ambush you when your guard is down, bored and complacent -- but they're tenacious once they get the drop on you.
If I'm not getting into the system, I leave it off for a while, do other things. When I return after some days, it sounds involving again. I wouldn't say I was bored, just not into listening. I never buy because of boredom.
I sometimes read these forums out of boredom. Most times I'm looking for answers.