Are you an Audiophile?

For many years, before I came to this forum; I considered myself an "Audiophile". Now, I am absolutely positively sure, that I am not an "Audiophile".
"All of this is like watching a snake eat its tail. I started out as an audiophile who quickly learned to love the music but came to the realization that I had to be an audiophile to achieve that objective."


I started out as a music lover who through frustration of not hearing music sound like it oughta discovered the "gear" that made it sound like it shoulda, and through further exploration coulda and finally....that chapter can't be written because really, does quest and desire in the pursuit of an ideal have an end?

Yes one can fine contentment and real satisfaction those that protest that they are not audiophiles I only ask, do you at times lust for what you have not but would if you could?

I think I've officially joined the audiophile club, if I hadn't before, with the purchase of a tube amplifier. I didn't build it so I can be excluded due to nerdism.
does it matter ? its only a word.

are we defined by words or actions?

if our behavior defines us, then adjectives are unnecessary.
Suffixes with the common part -phil- (-phile, -philia, -philic) are used to specify some kind of attraction or affinity to something, in particular the love or obsession with something. (from wikipedia)

Since I like music a lot, I guess I'm an audiophile.
@MrTennis - are we defined by words? Absolutely. It has become painfully apparant that people care more about words than deeds. Look at the current crop of political candidates and incumbents.