Are you an Audiophile?

For many years, before I came to this forum; I considered myself an "Audiophile". Now, I am absolutely positively sure, that I am not an "Audiophile".
I think I've officially joined the audiophile club, if I hadn't before, with the purchase of a tube amplifier. I didn't build it so I can be excluded due to nerdism.
does it matter ? its only a word.

are we defined by words or actions?

if our behavior defines us, then adjectives are unnecessary.
Suffixes with the common part -phil- (-phile, -philia, -philic) are used to specify some kind of attraction or affinity to something, in particular the love or obsession with something. (from wikipedia)

Since I like music a lot, I guess I'm an audiophile.
@MrTennis - are we defined by words? Absolutely. It has become painfully apparant that people care more about words than deeds. Look at the current crop of political candidates and incumbents.
I am an audiophile; and proud of it! I love music even more, however; and there is no equipment so bad that it can destroy so much of the music to make it not worth listening to.