What started you on your audiophile journey .

Was it a friend or family members great system , the love of well recorded music , or just needed a hobby .
It was from a Sony transistor Radio from the 60's my mother had, which had bass and treble tone controls.. I was always trying to equalize the sound of the music the radio was producing.. The bass was always thin, so I boosted it to around the 2:00 position, then set the treble around the 12:30 position or slightly higher... then, would adjust the volume to where she liked it.. My Mom always like the way I set those controls... but hated it when I got too obsessed with playing around with her radio!
Music was always part of who I was so my dad brought home a Garrard turntable and Eico integrated amp from a yard sale when I was 14 or so. He did this to keep me away from his console stereo in the living room. I had to build my own speakers from some MDF and a pair of eight inch speakers.
Enjoyed that for a couple of years before buying a Harman Kardon receiver with a BSR turntable and Tech Hifi's branded speakers.
My journey started with a fascination for electronics . When I was 12 , about 1970 I started building crystal radio kits then AM radio kits then started to design my own circuits . I was amazed at how much better my designs sounded than the receivers of the day , it added fuel to the fire . I even took apart my parents new console stereo , really mono , needles to say when they found out the whole thing ended with much discord . When I was 17 , about 1975 , I heard my first real audio system , Mac separates , it knocked my socks off . I new at that point that I would newer reach that level on my own and started buying audio gear and have been upgrading ever since , still not done .