What started you on your audiophile journey .

Was it a friend or family members great system , the love of well recorded music , or just needed a hobby .
Like most people, I had an interest in music, a basic record player. I did'nt know HiFi existed. I was working as a junior doctor, intern in US parlance and a colleague had a pretty good system, Linn SME based of course, being the UK in the late 70's. I was just knocked out by how good music can sound. That was 34 years ago. Still toiling away, with a long break for young kids.
My kids love music to and I hope one of them will take on my system and collection, when I eventually head for the great record fair in the sky
Back in the mid 70's my older brother purchased an all in one unit (Tuner,amp,turntable,and 8-track)from Sears. We would listen to music and mess around with ways to help it sound better for hours.
Then in 1982 a friend asked me to come over and listen to his stereo system. We played a half speed master of Ghost In The Machine and I was blown away! This was the first time that I could hear the separation of instruments and the pure impact of the recording.
That was the moment that solidified my desire to have high quality sound. I was 17 had no money, but the seed was planted. Now 30 years later I may have achieved that goal of very good high quality sound. The journey continues as I'm starting to look at getting back into vinyl, the place were it all started.
Go figure?
I always had a stereo but after I installed an A/C system in a hi end stereo store and got the bug.
I always loved music, and some of my friends introduced me to this hifi world on the 1900's.
My dad had a Pioneer "spec" system when I was growing up. I still hoard vintage equipment because I love the old sound!