What started you on your audiophile journey .

Was it a friend or family members great system , the love of well recorded music , or just needed a hobby .
1969, when I inherited my grandfather's Arvin table radio:


and listened to Triad Radio every night I could get away with it:


I was 10 years old, and have loved music and audio ever since.

Was gifted a cheap system in 1974 dad built the speakers they had issues so started correcting those and built others never stopped.
A Grundig-Majestic console stereo at my Godparents house when I was still a tot. It had doors that swung open so I could play records on my own. I inherited it when they passed on and still have it to this day. It still works!

I kept on my parents to get one and after being a major annoyance to no end, off to Sears we went. Shortly after a used Silvertone console was delivered. I was so excited to finally have my own stereo to play records on. This unit had a flip top to access the record changer. My parents remember me playing the first few records (at 4 years old no less) and telling them that it didn't sound as good as my godparents unit....

Needless to say I still have a huge appreciation for nice reproduction of recorded music.