Why aren't the older members still active ?

Just curious who is still very active from 2000 and earlier
on this site? I don't get on very often. I guess I have no opinions or my interest lies elsewhere. I remember in the early 2000s there seemed more interesting and heated topics then now. I cannot even get a rise out of anybody for saying "the Beatles where the worse group ever". I think somebody replied " I am a moron" without stating why he thought they were good. I started a thread in Music: Garage Band Hangover, about a website called Garage Hangover, but like 2 people responded. Some of my favs haven't been on in 3 even 5 years. So why is that?
My point is, so many times when a discussion gets started someone comes in and announces that there are no differences between cables, amps, whatever. Then they say that there is no science behind these supposed differences so show me the proof. Then the discussion usually get nasty.

This gets old and tiresome after a while. Why do these people participate at all? I don't get it.

Maybe some old timers decided it just wasn't worth the trouble wading through the crap of what could otherwise have been a reasonable, sane conversation.
To quote Albertporter "Many people are fighting to stay alive financially". This drop off causes others to drop off because they have little in common with what's left.
Hello Danlib 1 - ...your right ! What ever happened to '' Slappy ''....I recall a time when he was either getting dumped or had to dump a girlfreind and we ALL went through that with him and it was hysterical !!!! I too, have wondered what ever happened to him !
I have been a member since 2005, so am in the middle of the ten year cycle. Started with finding A'gon invaluable for all kinds of newbee questions and the members being extremely helpful on and off site to guide me through learning about tubes and other things. This also resulted in several members with whom I keep up a telephone relationships that have ripened into friendships.
It has been a great place to learn about new music, to buy/sell equipment, learn about new equipment, follow trends such as computer audio, so I am happy enough to wade through discussions that do not interest me.
I post when I think I can be helpful. I believe in kindness someone should step up to answer under the assumption that no question if sincere is stupi