Steve Jobs we will miss you

My prayers are with Steve's family at this time. He was a great visionary and technology as we know it today is because of his visions. I'm glad he no longer suffers. May he fly with the angles and if he's there with God heaven is about to be upgraded!!!

Rest in Peace, Steve, and may God give peace to your family and loved ones.
>>10-07-11: Chadnliz
I dont buy the whole mythic portrait painted of Jobs<<

That's why he's a legend and you're Chad.
I am still alive so that precludes me from being insulted by that, and unlike Steve I still have time to blow your mind ;)
The genius of Steve Jobs was that he saw uses in technology that no one else saw. Steve Wozniak made the first Apple computer, but it was Jobs who envisioned its potential as a personal computer. Xerox created the mouse and the GUI, but it wasn't until Jobs licensed them that they revolutionized how people interface with computers. Pixar was a small special effects company before Jobs purchased it for $10 millions and under his direction produced the first fully digital animated movie. Disney ended up purchasing Pixar for about $10 billion. (I guess that puts a price tag on prickish micro-managing). And finally he took a computer hardware manufacturer/software company and turned it into the world's largest music distributor. I would imagine that someone with a list of these accomplishments must be pretty smart in his own right.