Don't Feel Guilty Spending $$$

I don't, but I know some people feel guilty about spending a lot of money on hifi. Check this out and you'll never feel bad again. (If you can't wait - Hermes purse sold for $200K+)
It's all a matter of means and priorities. No right or wrong.

Having said that, I tend to feel guilt whenever I buy myself something that I maybe do not really need. Maybe that money would be better spent elsewhere either now or later?

My parents (who lived through the great depression) were not not status or luxury seekers yet lived a very comfortable yet not very showy middle class existence. That in my background is a big influence on how I think about these things. Plus perhaps the fact that I grew up in an area with a large Amish influence though my family itself was not Amish has an impact in how I think and my values.

It's all good I guess as long as you are able to keep a positive healthy and open perspective and some reasonable balance regarding priorities in your life and not become excessive/compulsive out of fear or some other negative emotions like envy, etc..
Plus if I don't spend it my wife will. It will be on something I feel we do not need but she does.
"Plus if I don't spend it my wife will. "

A common scenario. I can relate. I tend to let my wife do most of the spending (within reason) because she likes to shop and gets more pleasure out of it in general than I do so that makes us both happy. My music and audio is my only expensive hobby/habit that I spend money on. I manage..... My wife buys most of my clothes and other more luxurious amenities for me as well and has excellent taste and fashion sense ( I would likely tend to dress more like the Amish guys I grew up with left to my own I imagine) so I end up better as well for that.
If I dont spend it my wife will sounds like 2 children sharing a candy bar both trying to make sure the other doesnt get more:)