Don't Feel Guilty Spending $$$

I don't, but I know some people feel guilty about spending a lot of money on hifi. Check this out and you'll never feel bad again. (If you can't wait - Hermes purse sold for $200K+)
Plus if I don't spend it my wife will. It will be on something I feel we do not need but she does.
"Plus if I don't spend it my wife will. "

A common scenario. I can relate. I tend to let my wife do most of the spending (within reason) because she likes to shop and gets more pleasure out of it in general than I do so that makes us both happy. My music and audio is my only expensive hobby/habit that I spend money on. I manage..... My wife buys most of my clothes and other more luxurious amenities for me as well and has excellent taste and fashion sense ( I would likely tend to dress more like the Amish guys I grew up with left to my own I imagine) so I end up better as well for that.
If I dont spend it my wife will sounds like 2 children sharing a candy bar both trying to make sure the other doesnt get more:)
The only reason why I feel terrible sometimes about spending money on hi fi is when I never get the time to even enjoy it anymore.

Working 70-80 hours a week leaves very little time to enjoy anything really. Sometimes I feel bad because I bought some nice gear but I can't even tell you the last time I turned on my projector, its been over a month I know.

Oh well, maybe once I finally get up there in age I can enjoy some of it. At that point anything I buy new will be a collector's item. :)
"Working 70-80 hours a week leaves very little time to enjoy anything really."

How bout you stop working that much? Your life is your own and you only get one...