Equipment you just must get if you can

I mean something that you may not exactly need or/and cannot quite afford but still within reach, so if that piece comes up for sale, the price and the seller are right you would buy it because you really want to.
For me it would be Michael Green Audio Chameleon speakers.
Let's see:
A Yamaha AS2000 to see what the fuss is all about and a Hegel H70 and the new Wyred Mintegrated to compare to my Burson PI-160. That, and a quality base augmenter like a Glow Sub One to see if it really can add something below 40 Hz. that I can live with.
Great question!
For me, there are two items that I'm keeping my eyes open for.
1. 2M XLR Audio Magic liquid air IC's. Kind of pricey new, although I have a 1M now and I have to say its worth every penny.
2. Coincident Statement Line Stage
That line stage came up recently and I had to pass because I had just bought new speakers so I had to let it go. Plus, I just bought My Promethius Signature last summer, which is very, very, good, so the Coincident is a real luxury. But someday, I will snag one if the price is right and see how it stacks up against the Promethius.

nice choice on the MGD Chameleons---I happen to have a pair and love them---Mine aren't the latest version, but the 3rd version. I often think of selling them but don't think I could ever replace them with anything close to what I would get for them.
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