Equipment you just must get if you can

I mean something that you may not exactly need or/and cannot quite afford but still within reach, so if that piece comes up for sale, the price and the seller are right you would buy it because you really want to.
For me it would be Michael Green Audio Chameleon speakers.
Oh..... that's easy.....

(01). Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures (and I want them covered with Black Sock Cloth, with Polished Rosewood Caps on the top and bottom of the speakers).

(02). Bryston 3B SST Power Amplifier (and this amp will be perfect for the Vandie 2ce's too.... the Vandies tend to be warm and engaging, and they tend to roll off on the extreme top-end..... the Bryston 3B SST will open the Vandies up on the top-end, and will tighten them up on the bottom, while preserving that open and expansive mid-band and soundstage that I love about the Vandies).

(03). Bryston BP-26 Preamplifier with the Bryston BP-1.5 Phono Stage and MPS-2 Power Supply (if money is no object).


(04). Bryston BP-6 (with their Internal Phono Stage internally installed if money is a little tight (?!?!?!!!)).

(05). And a VPI Aries 3 Turntable (with a Sumiko Blackbird Phono Cartridge) to top things off.

What would I do not to have these!!!!

I need to either:

(01). Marry me a rich spouse who is as much into high-end audio as I am.

(02). Hit the Lotto Millions (even if I got to share the total jackpot).

(03). Dip into the Retirement Fund (which is really not an option).


(04). Work my ass off on two jobs and save like a motherfucker, and hope I come across some of these pieces as a bargain price here on Audiogon (hey.... good luck with that).

Well, we can all dream right????

Too bad this is not a reality right now (and THAT SUCKS too)...

Lamm LL2 Preamp. Even though I love my 6SN7/12SN7 based preamp, would love to try this one out.
YES,after a ton of research into an integrated amplifier to drive my new Sonus Faber Toy Towers I must have one of the original SimAudio i-5 or i-5.3 integrated's in Black finish(hint,hint to anyone with one)!!!