Hardwood floors in basement music room?

I currently have carpet over concrete, and I'm thinking about removing the carpet and installing engineered hardwood over a glued down underlayment, does anyone have any pro or cons on this. The underlayment I was going to use is a lumber liquidator product called Eco silent sound HD, they also have a cork underlayment .
It is not uncommon acoustical option to use a hardwood floor section at the front of the listening room where the equipment is located and use carpet in the listening portion of the room. Glued down or nailed down hardwood over underlayment would be a better choice than a floating hardwood floor.
I have most of my gear on concrete foundation in lower level with dense thin carpeting and padding.

I think this to be close to ideal, at least to my tastes. Feedback and vibrations are a non-issue even with vinyl for perhaps the first time ever for me. I would not want hardwood floors for fear changing the acoustics. I've had my gear in several rooms with hardwood floors (albeit not over a concrete foundation) and the sound was some of the worst I have ever had.

I guess it depends on the long term plan. Hardwood foors might work well in your case, but if things sound good already, expect a change and having to tweak further to some degree afterwards. If things do not sound so good, then nothing to loose.

In general I would prefer what you have over hardwood floors for the purpose of having the best sound. Hardwood floors look nice though! Its all a matter of priorities and budget to accomplish your goals.
I have built floor risers on and above concrete floors. You don't want to leave the cavity hollow but fill with rock and then vent or port the riser. This method diffuses and breaks up standing waves that tend to travel along large flat surfaces. You have to step up into a room such as this via a step or two . The other way that has worked well for myself would be to put down a vapor barrier and then jute fiber pad with a real or high content wool fiber. Natural fibers sound better even underneath a wool rug. The wool seems as if its more of a comb filter and the resulting highs are better and more linear and extended. Foam under man made fibers has more bounce and seems to have more of a resonant peak. That's been my experience. Tom
The room I am finishing off right now has plywood floors and carpet on top of that. This room is on the first floor and there is basement underneath. So of course, there is no concrete at this level. What opinions do you guys have on this setup?
I never actually though about this before, since I have always had concrete floor (with carpet on top) in the apartments that I have been living. First floor was always my preference and hence always concrete.
Please share some thoughts.