Are audiophiles people of sound prejudice?

Since we all hear and listen to or for different things and may have different priorities is this a better description of our views.
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I may be preconditioned, suspicious and quick to judge but don't call me prejudiced.
Uru975. I think dealers should be omitted as they have a financial reason for there bias's. For me, the longer I've been at it the more I learn not to be to certain about my ideals. Tweaks are a good example of that, just when your ready to dismiss something you thought was poppycock, someone shows you how wrong you were, then it's back to humblesville. One thing this hobby has taught me above all else is to keep an open mind. I built my first system in 1972 from a bunch of parts I purchased from Ratshack and to date am still learning how little I really know.
To be fair to dealers some do sell lines that they really like and stay away from the rest others sell what sells and to heck with the rest. So for the latter half I agree with you for the former maybe not.
As for what I know that is system and room dependent get beyond that and I am forced to be open to other ideas.
I have to agree with Tmsorosk in that the more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know and will never know. Everything you learn opens new doors to what you will never know.

Just have to be discerning about what you chase and have fun in the learning.

On a good day,I have heard some systems that have changed completely what I thought was possible and in that exposure changed my prejudice. On others days I'm sure my prejudice caused me to just hear what was missing that I wanted to hear.