Replacement for PS Audio Quintet

PS Audio has unfortunately discontinued its Quintet, a power center, a surge suppressor, an affordable thing to plug your gear into. So, can anyone recommend a similar product, something well made and reasonably priced, with a decent number of outlets, protection, something that won't degrade the sound -- from a company with a good reputation?
I know, it's not an easy question. Thanks for any help on this.
-- Howard
Hi Howard,

I and a number of other A'goners have been pleased with the Brickwall PW8R15AUD. It meets all of your criteria, except that I don't know how the effectiveness of its noise filtering compares with that of the Quintet. Also, it does not have a detachable power cord.

-- Al
There are Quintets offered for auction/sale almost weekly here on Audiogon.