Room treatment made me cry.......a little........

I recently purchased some GIK bass traps (6), diffusion panels (2), wall panels (8) and removed my TV from the room. The TV was located between the speakers. I will update my virtual system pictures next week.

I simply could not believe how much my music improved. While listening to Peter Gabriel I teared up as I was more emotionally connected to the music then ever before in my music room. . Same system and room - new acoustically treated room. I have listened to his Scratch My Back CD many times, but never like this.

I write this post as I want others to know that this investment is perhaps the best investment I have made in my music in 30 years. Amazing and not expected, at least not this level of improvement and emotional connection.

I knew my system always sounded great, but makes me tear up.
I throw an afghan (quilt) over my tv for serious listening, which makes such a clear improvement that even non-audiophiles hear it. It may not be necessary to remove it from the room, just control reflections from that very hard surface. Some quilts work better than others, and perhaps some kind of panel would work even better.

Thanks for the tip re: quilt over the TV set. I was told that putting a diffuser panel in front of my TV would make a world of difference but never got around to purchasing one as it would have to be about 4' sq. to cover the TV and stand.
Trying a dense rug makes sense as it's what I use behind my speakers on a wall shared by my neighbor below who no longer hears most of my music.

All the best,
I did try both a panel and blanket cover over the TV. I have a 52 inch screen and removing it from between the speakers turned out to be a far greater improvement. Sorry to have to share this, but this was my experience.
Just wanted to report back on what I've experienced.


Better focus and a loss of smear I didn't think I had. I'm able to hear deeper into the recordings. And all of this from a wool blanket draped over my widescreen TV and stand, which then reaches to about a foot from the floor.

I know a diffuser panel of sorts is what's called for but the size is prohibitive so I'm off to get a really thick blanket which seems to do the trick. I just may get a panel (with stands) to treat the right side of my room as my speaker is just over a yard from the side wall (the other side opens unto an open room) to cure any reflections that I (at first) didn't seem to care about.
Now I do.

And to think I called myself an audiophile while ignoring the most aspect:
The room.

Thanks and all the best,