Idol fans weigh in

I'm a big fan of the show and this season has been amazing.The collective talent this year far exceeds any other season IMHO. Jessica...phenomonal at any age and she's SIXTEEN!Other favorites: Elise, Skylar.Joshua is amazing as well, although I'm turned off when he screams the songs which he does too often. He was amazing last night.Phillip is not my cup of tea,although his ballad last night gave me 'goozies' and for once his face was not contorted which I find to be a big distraction.Holly will probably leave tonight but good lord she's 15!
OK, I'll say it. I cannot stand the style of singing voice that is admired on American Idol, to say nothing of the cheesy music they all play. I know taste is personal, but that stuff would sound grating to me even on the nicest audiophile system. yuck.

Flame away.
The only one with REAL talent and soul is Joshua, though he overdoes it. The others are cliches, though the Dave Matthews clone guy has charisma. Jessica? Sure, she's good...for 16. She's not good by any other standard. She has a "light" voice, not that great intonation, and no real soul. What the current industry needs is people with soul, who are REAL, and who have something new to say.
I always watch with my family. Good clean entertainment.

Good talent this year. Joshua is very good but Hollie may be the only one
that fits the pop music mold these days.

I think the judges and format the lasf two years is geared towards
providing more consistent and constructive feedback to the singers. Less
interesting perhaps but probably more effective. There could be more
constructive criticism on many performances than there is. There has
also been many very good performances. Song choices could be much
better and less bland. Elise nailed the Zeppelin tune earlier this year! .

I fear philip will win this year due to viewer demographics. That would be
a shame. Bland!
Can sing with some of the best female singers that have graced this planet your deaf.
At 16 years old she is more polished than 85% of the singers making records today. In 5 years she will be the biggest thing since sliced bread and I for one will be carb-ing up.