Has anyone had any luck in contacting Dale Pitcher

Hi all : Could use your help in contacting Dale Pitcher of Intuitive Design. I have tried the work numbers and personal cell number with no luck for the past six months. I have an Essence amp which he has been unable to supply parts for a repair needed two years ago and a pair of external crossovers he has not returned for Essence subs that have set idle for the past 5 years waiting for his expertise.
I talk to him several times a week. He can be frustrating but after setting up Alpha-Tech to service his older Essence equipment I had a chance to look inside the designs and talk to Zaw.

He really is his own worst enemy. The stuff is so hard to work on and designed beyond most people's capabilities that there is no way Dale could service product by himself while producing new equipment.
I have dealt with Dale for around 20 years from his time as Essence Audio in Lincoln, Nebraska to Intuitive Design in Wyoming. My entire 2 channel system is Dale's and I consider it to be incredible. But I can see how Lrsky feels the way he does. I put down many "deposits" and waited for long periods of time but Dale always delivered. I agree with Rlawry and Duane. Dale is an eccentric genius and honest guy but whose business model in my opinion is "I can't believe that he's still in business!"
My current issue is...a doctor, my own physician, who spent thousands with me/Pitcher...Dale collected his $20K Subwoofers some years back, and still has them. No explanation, no contact.
He is simply a ghost when he owes the customers a response.
This industry is fraught with such activity.
Albert Von Schweikert has a $30K deposit collected from me, for Mike Gorrell in 2004, for a mega speaker. He still has done nothing.
Do NOT send AVS a deposit. Do NOT.
Fair warning folks.
Albert, please, if you don't like that I state this publicly please, PLEASE deny it or start legal action. I still have the records. I STILL HAVE THEM!!!


Dale has always made things right for me and I have known him close to 10 years. Larry, I will email you Dale's contact data and you should deal with him that way.
If this doctor is in Indianapolis I know that he purchased used ones that Dale was trying to help a customer going through a bankruptcy. After the doctor got them it was discovered they were blown.

Dale sent replacement woofers but never drove over to install them. I installed them for Dale a couple of years ago but the still need crossovers.

Dale doesn't try to rip people off. The reality is that audiophiles have permenantly destroyed the industry by demanding heavy discounts to the point that many high end companies only make about $1200 a month so they have to work day jobs or live off food stamps.