This would be a different, and a very long shot. If the manufacturers, magazine reviewers, and others, could get together and rent rooms at shopping malls, put on a show there once in a while, a week or two at a two, for trial.
Possibly, have their local dealers set up demo rooms to do this. Any clubs that may be left could probably help with this also, by contacting local news people for this event.
If something like this was tried in the larger malls, with a lot of traffic, maybe something could come out of it. They could start with only one or two different malls at first.
In the past, a lot of products got exposed this way. I remember satellite (those large ones first) dishes getting exposure this way. Some had a set-up right in the center of some malls. This may not be too good for audio though, unless they made temporary rooms.
If Stereophile, plus other magazines ran an ad looking for participants, and some locals (?) to find the right people for renting the space, promotions, etc., who knows?
If tried in the areas that still have the local brick and mortar stores, they should see a reaction at their dealerships, if it really did get any curiosity going.
It may be too late, or, may get something started from the shoppers that have been exposed to the big box stores, and Home Theater based stuff only.
Some people may try it, just to have it first. This high-end would be new to a lot. Looking at it in a magazine is one thing, seeing and hearing it for real is another.
There is money still out there. This may be a way to get them to open their wallets. They'll be different from their friends, and neighbors, by being the first at buying a true high-end system.
Like I said, it's a long shot. It may need some good local, event organizers. Volunteers would make it happen easier too. Records and turntables came back to a point a lot of us would have never imagined. No one will know if it's not tried. Just my two cents.