Audio fuses

I hav tried all these fuses Hifituning supreme, then the synergistic type
The synergistic is not better in every circumstances ,they were warmer but when other brand fuses were in the system in some cases the synergistic
Fuses made it worse myself and two friends tried them on different equipment with the same results,Sometimes it was better
Not everything is ut in stone.
SR fuses were far better than my supreme Hi-fi fuses in all off my components. Much cleaner with better focus and detail.
Your not kidding that everything is not written in stone, not when it comes to audio anyway. The Supreme fuses worked best in all my components except in the power amp, the gold seemed best there.
My freind also tried the synergistic vs the hifi tuning supreme and he felt the Hifituning gave better resolution and air,and the synergistic gave his parasound halo amp a bit more warmth.
The Synergistic Research fuses resulted in improved detail across the entire frequency range. Because no one frequency band was favored, there was not an increase in brightness, fatigue, of warmth. Instead there was a sense of more music playing in the room. Never a feeling of signal boosts or frequencies being deminished. This is with the following equipment- Art Audio PX-25 tube amp, Eddie Current- Zana Deux tube amp, Marrantz Sa11-S1 SACD player, and a Marantz Sa11-S2 SACD player.
I did find replacing the rail fuses worth changing in addition to the main fuse with the Marrantz Sa11-S2.
I purchased 4 Synergistis Research fuses for my pre amp and they sounded dull and compressed from new so I left them in for a week to see if they would change in sound but sadly they sounded the same so out they came.