Road Trip

My wife and I will be taking a road trip in October. We will be staying in Bowling Green, Kentucky and Memphis, Tennesee. If anyone knows of any high end stores or used record shops in those areas, kindly speak up.
That is quite an assumption on your part. FYI, I just may buy something if I like it and the price is right. I certainly do not need any lectures from you!
While I doubt that vacationers are having a big effect on B&M stores' success compared to all of their other challenges, I do agree that if a person has no intention of buying it would be rude to waste much if any of a dealer's time.

That said, according to Stereo5's system description he has purchased at least 30 items in two years if you count cables and other small items. I think if I was a dealer I might want to take a crack at relieving him of a few more of his dollars and fill up his suitcase for the trip home.
I would look at the manufactures website and see if there any brands that you have interest in currently not available in your area. Make a list of the dealers, it is a great opportunity to hear and see something that you normally can't in your area. As a final note I know a local dealer here in Colorado that does a fair amount of business with "tourists", I say let the dealer decide if he want's you in his store or not.
Buconero, interesting post. Especially since on 9-2-12 you wrote:

"I do wish you success as I love to visit stores like yours, especially to hear speakers, and 'kick the tires', but not buy which I do on line or direct from the distributor".

How can you admonish others for doing exactly what you "love" to do? Unbelievable!
"Buconero, interesting post. Especially since on 9-2-12 you wrote:

"I do wish you success as I love to visit stores like yours, especially to hear speakers, and 'kick the tires', but not buy which I do on line or direct from the distributor".

How can you admonish others for doing exactly what you "love" to do? Unbelievable!"

Can you say......BUSTED?
