What Does Holographic Sound Like?

And how do you get there? This is an interesting question. I have finally arrived at a very satisfying level of holography in my system. But it has taken a lot of time, effort and money to get there. I wish there had been a faster, easier and less expensive way to get there. But I never found one.

Can you get to a high level of holography in your system with one pair of interconnects and one pair of speaker wires? I don't believe so. I run cables in series. I never found one pair of interconnects and speaker wires that would achieve what has taken a heck of a lot of wires and "tweaks" to achieve. Let alone all the power cords that I run in series. Although I have found one special cable that has enabled the system to reach a very high level of holography -- HiDiamond -- I still need to run cables in series for the sound to be at its holographic best.

There are many levels of holography. Each level is built incrementally with the addition of one more wire and one more "tweak". I have a lot of wires and "tweaks" in my system. Each cable and each "tweak" has added another level to the holography. Just when I thought things could not get any better -- which has happened many times -- the addition of one more cable or "tweak" enabled the system to reach a higher level yet.

Will one "loom" do the job. I never found that special "loom". To achieve the best effects I have combined cables from Synergistic Research, Bybee, ASI Liveline, Cardas, Supra and HiDiamond -- with "tweaks" too numerous to mention but featuring Bybee products and a variety of other products, many of which have the word "quantum" in their description.

The effort to arrive at this point with my system has been two-fold. Firstly, finding the right cables and "tweaks" for the system. Secondly, finding where to place them in the system for the best effects -- a process of trial and error. A lot of cables and "tweaks" had to be sold off in the process. I put "tweaks" in quotation marks because the best "tweaks" in my system have had as profound effect as the components on the sound. The same for the best of the cables, as well. For me, cables and "tweaks" are components.

Have I finally "arrived"? I have just about arrived at the best level that I can expect within my budget -- there are a couple of items on the way. In any case, I assume there are many levels beyond what my system has arrived at. But since I'll never get there I am sitting back and enjoying the music in the blissful recognition that I don't know what I am missing.

I should mention that there are many elements that are as important as holography for the sound to be satisfying, IMO. They include detail, transparency, coherence, tonality, and dynamics, among others. My system has all of these elements in good measure.

Have you had success with holographic sound in your system? If so, how did you get there?
Mapman wrote,

"Surprizingly enough (at least to me at first) I've found that this even works for mono recordings, at least in some cases. It works best for me with either pair of my OHM Walsh omnis. Good mono recordings (remastered mono Muddy Waters for example) have a three dimensional ambiance to the point where sometimes I cannot tell for certain if it is a mono or stereo recording just by listening. Its an amazing thing!"

Gosh, you can be quite the provocateur.

q: Muddy Waters is:

a) a reknowned Chicago blues musician
b) a stream with high fine grained suspended sediment content
c) how H2O looks after most any discussion with Geoff

Thank you.....

You stated, "Unfortunately, even if you win this round, he will pivot to another topic. You have stumbled onto Geoff’s infinite staircase." Of course, you are absolutely correct. Which is why am staying in the wings at the moment. If he comes round with a new version of his same-old it will be evident and no comments will be necessary to state the obvious.

You have made some very interesting observations in your post.

You stated, "a two channel playback system presents whatever ambient cues the recording contains primarily from two directions – the direction of the two speakers. But the ambient cues in the recording space were presented from all directions." This is a very interesting point. I believe it is a bit more complex than this. We have only two ears but, with the help of the brain, we perceive 3-dimensional sound. The same with having two eyes but they enable us to see in 3 dimensions.

Stereo recordings pick up sound from all directions. Good audio systems are able to reproduce the ambient cues in stereo recordings 3-dimensionally. Presenting the sound from two directions, two speakers, is limiting to an extent, of course, especially when the equipment is not at a level that can reproduce 3-D sound in an effective way. In this sense it is not the 2 speakers that are limiting but the quality of the system itself.

You stated, "what is heard at the listening position isn’t a fully accurate representation of the recording space." That's true. It cannot be because our listening rooms are not studios or concert halls. The listening venue is a facsimile of the recording venue. The extent to which it is able to recreate that venue in a 3-D way depends on the quality of the system.

You stated, "In other words, a space in which the *apparent* size, shape, and materials of the room change from recording to recording." This is precisely what astonishes me about my own system. It can sound so different from recording to recording.

You stated, "IMO, “holographic” sound is more about the realistic presentation of INSTRUMENTS AND PERFORMERS than it is about the realistic presentation of THE RECORDING SPACE ITSELF." I agree -- almost completely. Although my system gives an excellent feeling for the ambience of a church or other special venue where a recording has been made, it is the presentation of instruments and performers in a very life-like 3-D panorama that distinguishes its sound. It is the sense of realism of instruments and performers, as you point out, that is important here.

You stated, "But when the ambient cues of the recording space are lost, what goes with it is the illusion that "You are There."" Exactly. The more refined the system, the more it is able to pick up and reproduce ambient cues and the greater the resultant sense of "being there".
Let's visit with the SteinMusic Harmonizer a little while. I have no commercial interest in this product. Apparently this device does for Holographic Sound what Carter's Little Liver Pills does for liver. Thanks to Mapman for the shout out for the Harmonizer.

SteinMusic Harmonizer review in Positive Feedback Online:


Excerpt from the Review:

"Enter German physicist, engineer, and audiophile Holger Stein. He discovers that air vibrates at certain frequencies and, in the presence of those vibrations, becomes more compliant. If air is more compliant, then sound waves have an easier path to your ears. Enter the SteinMusic Harmonizers... elegant boxes sold in pairs that generate vibrations that make the air more transmissive of music in all its complexities.

Holger Stein has discovered the "missing link" to producing the musical event in your home. Through his devices, you see the performance with your ears with repeatable, adjustable, scientific certainty for the first time. Welcome to the future my friends!

While a few other reviewers have tried the Stein gear, none have assembled a state-of-the-art system which was truly great to begin with. Referred to me by none other than the 'Dean of Audio' himself, Jack Bybee, I felt duty bound to give it a try, though I remained skeptical until I heard the first few notes.

There is now a spot on the carpet where my jaw hit the ground."
I would very much like to hear the harmonizer in my system. I expect it could well have a positive effect in that it seems to based on scientific principles I can understand. Sound travels through air. Physical properties of air determine how it travels. The gadget seems to be an active device that creates sonic waves of a certain design. Something different is likely to result if all goes as described. It could be significant. Even if I decide to not shell out the dough at this time (most likely given priorities) it would be a worthwhile experiment because the indicators are something might actually happen. MAybe a good use of time. Scientists select experiments that they believe have a good chance of working based on their understanding of scientific principles. That is the key to GOOD science. Knowledge to start relevant to questions to be answered. Some experiments make sense and some do not. Audio fuse experiments actually do make sense to me. That does not mean I want to do them though.