Harry Pearson HP No Longer at TAS

From John Atkinson:

So, it's official. Harry Pearson is no longer with The Absolute Sound after nearly 40 years. According to publisher Jim Hannon, "Harry’s life-changing heart surgery has prompted him to rethink how he wants to spend his time going forward. Consequently, it is my unhappy task to inform you that Harry Pearson has decided to resign from The Absolute Sound."

I also read he is starting a new web/blog site hpsoundings.

I know some of you don't like HP, but without him and J. Gordon Holt, I never would have found this hobby, let alone make it a business for over 20 years. I had the pleasure to meet both of these gentleman a few times throughout the years and found them to be bigger than life.

I started my subscription with TAS back in 1980 and have never let it lapse. I'll miss HP.
This is sad news. I have been waiting many years for HP to finish his reviews on thirty or so products of interest - you know, those reviews with tantalizing cliff hangers about more thoughts to come. But the thoughts never came.

Seriously, he was an entertaining reviewer and will be sorely missed.
HP, warts and all (he could be pompous and indulgent with his use of language) was, IMO, the most relevant audio reviewer to ever appear in print. Relevant because his reviews (especially in the early days) always related to MUSIC not just sound. In his reviews and opinion pieces there were always substantive discussions and descriptions of how what he heard from audio equipment related to music and the sound of that music performed live. No other reviewer in my experience has been so unyielding in his/her dedication to what (wether some are willing to acknowledge it or not) is the loftiest goal of this hobby. I look forward to his future writings and wish him health.
The majority of audio enthusiasts and philes are older rather than younger, so I feel for anyone who is of ill health; It happens more and more in our demographic. Hope HP does fine and finds enjoyment in retirment. At 57 I unfortunately have a long way to retirement and begin to see my own mortality. This is one of the reasons I keep striving for the best music-producing system. Enjoy each day you have because health can turn on a dime!
I wish HP all the best and just hope Valin doesn't take over, with his ethical or should I say non-ethical standards that would put TAS is a downspin!