AC Outlets

Where do I search for ac outlets?
There certainly is wide variation in how a wall outlet affects the sound of your system. In my system, I have found the Synergistic Research outlet to make the greatest improvement in sound. I have tried the original outlet, the "heavy duty" outlet, PSAudio, and Oyaide R-1.
I found the Synergistic Research outlet to give a wonderful detailed- open- rich sound.
Whers to buy "Audio Grade" outlets? Scott Walker Audio, The Cable Company, VH Audio, Tweek Geek, Parts Connection, Hi End Audio.
I wonder which outlets Paul has critically listened to from his response.
If you mean specifically here on Audiogon go to the Power section of the Marketplace and then select AC Distribution or AC Conditioners. Sometimes a text search for Outlet or the specific brand you are looking will yield results. E.g. Porter Port.

If you try and think logically about this - count the points of contacts from the transformer on your street till the power reaches your transformer in your amplifier, the contact point at the AC outlet on your wall is number 21, that's assuming a dedicated line and no sub panel, all of which has the potential for a less than optimal point of contact. After your power outlet there will be at least 8 points of contact before your transformer is energized.

So while I agree that the quality of the AC outlet is important ie it has to provide
a solid point of contact with as close to zero ohms of contact resistance. If it is a solid connection point then I'd have to state that any perceived difference of sound quality from various AC outlet's is truly in the ear of the beholder.

Having your electrician do a service on your panel for an example, tightening all the connections etc will have far greater impact than the make and model of your quality AC outlet.

Good Listening

Peter is on to something here. Loose connections are the bane of electricity.